La police enquête actuellement sur une affaire de séquestration alléguée. Une écolière de 10 ans fréquentant une école primaire du Nord s’est plainte auprès de ses parents des sévices que lui auraient infligés des camarades de classe. Trois d’entre eux l’auraient ligotée et dévêtue pendant la journée de vendredi.
Défi Média
Girl,10, stripped and tied in class
The parents of a 10-year-old schoolgirl yesterday formally lodged a complaint at the Child Development Unit (CDU) of Goodlands and the police station in Triolet. According to the statement, the 10-year-old was stripped by three schoolboys, and her hands and feet tied, in one of the classrooms.
The girl, who lives in a coastal village in the North of the island, informed her parents about what happened to her when she reached home last week. The father, who was initially reticent about lodging a formal complaint, finally decided to do so.
Sources at the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare yesterday confirmed the information. According to the same sources, the father of the schoolgirl has given a first statement to the CDU in the presence of a policewoman.
The statement was then formally lodged with the police in Triolet. “An enquiry is ongoing and all parties are collaborating,” says our source.
Yesterday, Mrs Sheila Bappoo, Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare, visited a kindergarten in Quatre Bornes where a recent case of attempt upon chastity had been recorded.
She handed over a letter containing a severe warning to the manager of the kindergarten. According to information gathered at the ministry, a two-old-boy complained about having been “molested” by a worker on-site.
After an investigation, the ministry has given strict instructions that no outsider workers are to have access to kindergartens or the children during school hours. Work should be carried out on weekends and after all children have left school.
“However, if urgent works have to be carried during the day, the manager is to ensure that no one has access to the building where the children are,” explains a source at the ministry.