Friday, March 11, 2011

At the School of Roche-Terre - A teacher escapes an attempted poisoning

She was terrified. A teacher (age: 37, lives at: Grand Gaube) at the primary school in Roche Terre was the victim of an attempted poisoning in his class of STD VI. Someone had added a substance into her water bottle during her absence. Fortunately, she noticed the water was abnormal.

Shortly before recess, about 11:00, students from the STD VI 'repeaters' went for their class of Asian Languages, while others remained in the classroom. 40 minutes later it was recess. And as usual, the teacher had only taken her purse out, leaving her water bottle in the classroom.

When she returned, around 12:30, all students were in class. When the teacher was going to drink some water, it was found that there was some froth in the bottle. Shaking, it was observed an increased formation of foam. It was then panic!

The teacher has rushed to her colleagues to inform them of this situation. She then went to the office of the Head Teacher to bring this matter before calling her husband, a policeman. Shortly after, a police team from Goodlands Police Station arrived.

The water bottle was seized before an inspection was made in the class. Nobody knew who added this substance in the bottle. Investigators, however, seized a container in another room containing a noxious substance used in schools for cleaning.

The teacher was taken to the Police Station of Goodlands for the purpose of investigation. She explained in great detail what had happened. The bottle of water, she was sent to the science lab for analysis. One hypothesis of the investigators may be that a student has made a bad joke to the teacher.

The victim, who has about 15 years of experience in the field, had just joined the school earlier this year. It was learned that she was giving free lessons to some of her students.

The teacher said she is very disturbed by what happened. "I escaped. Normally, I do not look in my bottle before drinking. That day, I do not know why I did it, and it saved me. I think it is because of my faith in God. I must say that I suspect no one, but there is someone who tried to poison me, "says this mother of two child, whose youngest is a student of this school.

"If, after recess, one of my students asked me water to drink, for sure I was not going to refuse him. What would have happened then? I would have been in trouble with the police. I appeal to the minister. Each time, he focuses on child safety, but for the teachers, there is not much. I wish that we be given some attention in order to have more security in our business, " added the victim.

Moreover, the President of the Government Teachers Union (GTU), Vinod Seegum grieves over lack of security regarding teachers. "This security issue is becoming increasingly alarming in our schools. It is time that the department concerned finds a solution. I suggest that the Ministry of Education should establish a crisis committee to ensure that all stakeholders meet and come with a set of recommendations.

I noticed that the problems of colleges are repeated in primary schools. There is 'gang violence' in some schools. I also suggest that teachers be paid to teach moral education in our schools, "said Vinod Seegum. 

Source: DéfiMédia

Theory of play, group work in pedagogy leads to chaotic situation in many classrooms and later lead to Gang Formation.

Record indiscipline problems as a film with your mobile camera and give me,everyone must know what is the real situation in the classroom.

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