Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Problem of primary education in Mauritius

The problem has 2 roots: 
  1. Teachers are underpaid 
  2. Parents want the best college for their kids. 

If government is serious , they need to tackle these 2 probs urgently. Primary teachers need to be given the opportunity to complete a B.Ed(Hons) course at the Univ of Mts, and their salary be aligned with that of secondary teachers. 

Remember in all developed countries all taachers need to have a degree to teach. Do we deserve less in Mauritius? Can we still afford to put the education of our kids at stake by having frustrated teachers? I would go even further by extending this recommendation to the pre-primary teachers. A person becomes what he is in the first 5 years of his life. what do we see in Mautitius? Kids going tompre-school in garages. How about the teachers? They need to be upgraded.

As for the problem of colleges, gov need to invest massively in new schools that can cater for diverse competencies of our students, not only academically competent. True elites must be preserved and encouraged, the represent the thinking tank of the country. 

However is is just noot fair to make every one run the same race. Think about a kid in Camp Firinga ( I am not being prejudicial) competing against a Minister"s kid who go to tuition in Limousine.How unfair is this? Yet the same Firinga kid may have some hidden talent, like he could be a master musician, tecnician etc, but he has never been given the opportunity to develop these talents and become a laureate in his field. Can we have a Royal College of Arts et Metiers?   

Government, the public, the experts, everyone has simply ignored them and let them perish inn the arena. People it is time,to take the bull by the horns. Is anyone serious? 

Comment from Lemorisyen on |||Vasant Bunwaree furieux : « Je dénonce l’hypocrisie et la démagogie de la GTU »|||, DéfiMédia

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