Sunday, February 27, 2011

STD III welcomes the Enhancement Programme

After Std IV, it is the turn of Std III to adopt the Enhancement Programme.
All Head Teachers have received the 'Student Work Book', a booklet outlining the procedures for the Enhancement Programme.

The programme will be implemented during three days of the week: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The Enhancement Programme will begin at 15:45 and end at 16:45. Thirty minutes will be reserved for academic subjects where students can catch up.

The remaining 30 minutes will be devoted to co-curricular activities such as slam, physical education, drawing, poetry, etc. Some "Resource Persons" may provide these co-curricular courses for students. Teachers themselves, will attend classes on Tuesday and Thursday.. This programme has been implemented to replace private tuitions (a lucrative business for many educators). 

JAQ Opinion
The Enhancement Programme will prove to be useful to parents who work till late.  Their kids are safe at school.  Students will have to work more.  The Enhancement Programme is preventing kids to live their childhood. 

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