Thursday, February 24, 2011

Understanding epilepsy at school

150 teachers from pre-primary and primary school in Zone 1 were in a workshop on Wednesday 23rd of February 2011 at the Gymkhana Hall, Champ de Mars. They learned how to manage an epileptic child. Upon the initiative of Edycs Epilepsy Group, the seminar aimed to provide the necessary framework.

Noormamode Youssouf, the president says that we simply need to know how to intervene upon recognizing the symptoms in children. There are over 5,000 children with epilepsy in Mauritius. Some of them do not go to school. For this reason, the president is asking parents to send their children to school. Amritah Kisnamah, Director of Early Childhood Care & Education Authority in the Ministry of Education has insisted that all children of the Republic of Mauritius have the right to education.

She also encouraged teachers to engage in dialogue with parents. "I ask 5 or 10 minutes, either morning or afternoon, or to organize monthly meetings to discuss the development and needs of the child ... "  She said. This workshop is the first in a series of six to be held in all areas, including Rodrigues. Next year, it will be the turn of secondary teachers to access these courses.

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